Test Software

Test Software

We understand the rigours of the production environment and specialise in software solutions for automation and management of test/calibration data. We understand many businesses already have a number software platforms that their business depends on such as ERP/MRP tools. As well as our own software platforms, we can develop bespoke solutions including API's and hooks into your platforms or production databases. Most test solutions are networked and data is centralised on a SQL database (On prem or off-site, sometimes both).


Our HILTOP solutions offer a highly configurable software platform called ProdTOP. The platform has evolved over the last 10 years but the goal was to always keep it operator focused and simple to use. For production/shop floor use, a simple bar code scan of the product is enough to start the test sequence. We aim for maximum automation and minimal user involvement. For developers and engineering, detailed test logs are available.