HILTOP manufacture game-changing and award-winning test and measurement solutions for a range of requirements. Whether for development stages, along production lines, or end product testing, we have you covered.
What test and measurement solutions do you require?
Unlock quality with HILTOP solutions
Maxi and Compact - product test equipment
EVSE-TOP - EV Charger test solutions
Partnering with CodaPin to bring you bespoke test fixtures
Improve quality by identifying design flaws and component faults.
Improve your processes with data driven insights and get it right 1st time.
Quality testing will reduce product defects and warranty returns.
Reduce time through automation and repeatable measurements.
Easy to operate via bar-code driven automation.
HILTOP provides a high level of transparency through our open source designs.
Quality data will provide full traceability across your production line, outlining where faults develop.
HILTOP products are made for ease of use whilst being scale-able and expandable.